Looks like Bollywood is gearing up in full force for actors RiteishDeshmukh and Genelia D’Souza. The duo, who is getting married in the first week of February in Mumbai, will have a lavish four day wedding where the entire industry is expected to turn up to congratulate the couple. On Tuesday night, a pre-wedding bash was hosted by producer SajidNadiadwala and actor Fardeen Khan at a suburban restaurant in Bandra.
The bash saw a lot of celebrities in attendance. Riteish and Geneliahave a lot of common friends from the industry and most of them turned up for this bash. Boman Irani, KaranJohar, Arbaaz Khan, Deepika Padukone, Manoj Bajpai, Raveena Tandon,Farah Khan, Shrish Kunder, Sajid Khan, Jia Khan, Shazahn Padamsee,Ameesha Patel, Tusshar Kapoor, Neil Nitin Mukesh, Arjun Rampal, SohailKhan, Bobby Deol amongst others were present.
Genelia and Riteish later took to Twitter to thank everyone who made it to the party. Genelia posted, “Last nites party spke bout relationships n love wppl,sajid nadiad n fardeen thank u frm d bottom4wat u hav done,cant tell uhw touched I am. N 2each guest dat came, thank u 4bein der, made me feel d celebrations hv begun, yayyyy.” Riteish said, “Wanna thank my buddiesFardeen Khan & Sajid Nadiadwala for having an extraordinary party forGenelia n Me. Had a blast with all my friends. Its really overwhelming when someone goes out of their way 2 make u feel special-n M feelin like d king of d world.Fardeen n Saj LOVE U both.”
The bash saw a lot of celebrities in attendance. Riteish and Geneliahave a lot of common friends from the industry and most of them turned up for this bash. Boman Irani, KaranJohar, Arbaaz Khan, Deepika Padukone, Manoj Bajpai, Raveena Tandon,Farah Khan, Shrish Kunder, Sajid Khan, Jia Khan, Shazahn Padamsee,Ameesha Patel, Tusshar Kapoor, Neil Nitin Mukesh, Arjun Rampal, SohailKhan, Bobby Deol amongst others were present.
Genelia and Riteish later took to Twitter to thank everyone who made it to the party. Genelia posted, “Last nites party spke bout relationships n love wppl,sajid nadiad n fardeen thank u frm d bottom4wat u hav done,cant tell uhw touched I am. N 2each guest dat came, thank u 4bein der, made me feel d celebrations hv begun, yayyyy.” Riteish said, “Wanna thank my buddiesFardeen Khan & Sajid Nadiadwala for having an extraordinary party forGenelia n Me. Had a blast with all my friends. Its really overwhelming when someone goes out of their way 2 make u feel special-n M feelin like d king of d world.Fardeen n Saj LOVE U both.”