While reports of Dhanush's dissatisfaction with the decision of selling Kolaveri Di to Sony Music for a pittance are going viral like the song, wife and director of the video, Aishwarya Rajinikanth, says, "We should let rumours be rumours. We were working with a new music director and Sony approached us. It was a good opportunity for us and we're happy about the business we did," adding that no one could have predicted the popularity of the song and the price they got for it was a "good one".
She went on to trash more rumours about a Hindi version of the song in the offing. "We'll be releasing this song in a Hindi film. How does a Hindi version even work out then? There has been no such talk."
She went on to trash more rumours about a Hindi version of the song in the offing. "We'll be releasing this song in a Hindi film. How does a Hindi version even work out then? There has been no such talk."